Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
April 18 The LORD is slow to anger and abounding in mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression … — Numbers 14:18

Justice and Mercy

We want justice. We want everything to be fair. God is a just God, and we tend to know deep down what is right. In God's justice, He will by no means clear the guilty. Because He is a just God, He must punish evil. We have all fallen short and what we need is not justice, but mercy. So Christianity is beyond fair. God does not treat us as we deserve. He is a God of mercy. Justice would not be good for us. Christianity is not just. Christ... More
April 17 The LORD has established His throne in the heavens, and His kingdom rules over all. — Psalm 103:19

Christ the King

Jesus is the Lord of heaven and earth. He is not just the future ruler, but His reign began (though not in its fullness) with His death and resurrection. His kingdom is ever expanding over the hearts and minds of men. He is the conquering King. When Jesus began the battle, the Captain of the well-fought fight was minus an army, yet every enemy He slew was revived and enlisted into the army of the King. As the King travels across the world,... More
April 16 Let God be true but every man a liar. — Romans 3:4

Humanistic Religion

The humanistic religion, which is the foundation of our recent legal revolution, is based upon evolutionary theory. It holds that man has evolved from inanimate matter and exists in a universe without God and is therefore responsible for developing his own laws, which are not in any way answerable to a supreme being. As a result our laws have become more man-centered and godless. It is interesting that for almost 2,000 years, much of... More
April 15 Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God's. — Mark 12:17

Theft by Any Other Name

'A kleptomaniac,' said Henry Morgan, 'is a person who helps himself because he can't help him­self'—or so they claim. It seems like a lot of people today seem to 'not be able to help themselves' to all sorts of things. Consider some ways of breaking the eighth commandment, 'thou shalt not steal': Failure to pay taxes or over-taxation on the part of an over-reaching government; Shoplifting; Slum lording; Cheating for grades in... More
April 14 Let him who steals steal no more. Instead, let him labor, working with his hands things which are good, that he may have something to share with him who is in need. — Ephesians 4:28

Honesty is the Best Policy

"Thou shalt not steal," says the eighth commandment. Yet, I am afraid that old Diogenes, walking around with his lamp looking for an honest man, might have a difficult time finding one in America today. If he walked up to you and held up his lamp in your face, would he find an honest man? An honest woman? An honest boy or girl? Once a man parked a car on his front lawn with a sign: "For Sale." Someone stopped to inquire about it, and the... More
April 13 When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasing to the eyes and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate … — Genesis 3:6

Toying With Sin

It is amazing to me that so many professing Christians can toy with sin and think they won't get stung. When I was thirteen or so I was at a Boy Scout camp in Michigan. Snakes and turtles and all kinds of other lovely creatures had been cleaned out of a huge pen. The serpents were put into a huge box about five feet high, with a hole in the top. One of my friends caught a snake that had escaped. He held it by the tail and the neck, but... More
April 12 … remembering the genuine faith that first lived in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and that I am persuaded lives in you also. — 2 Timothy 1:5

A Mother’s Legacy

A Christian heritage is the best gift a mother can give her child. Ladies, I hope you will not believe the siren song of the radical feminists who would deprive you of the greatest significance and joy in the world—the joy of motherhood. Former First Lady Barbara Bush was invited in 1990 to give the commencement address at Wellesley College. Hundreds of angry coeds protested. They were outraged that a woman who had never done anything... More