Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom

The Gospel of Life

Karen VanTil Gushta, Ph.D.
Those who have a passion for mission should not see abortion as a secondary issue. It is the primary mark of this generation and the blood-guilt of abortion festers under the surface of all Christian endeavor and needs to be brought under the power of the Gospel.

See Something, Say Nothing?

by Jerry Newcombe, D. Min.
After 9/11, the policies of George W. Bush kept us safe from jihadists. But tragically, the Obama Administration will not name the enemy---radical Islam. As a result, we now have on average one attack a year on American soil by jihadists. Ideas have consequences.

The New Three Branches of Government

by Jerry Newcombe, D.Min.
The Constitutional branches of government are the legislative, executive, and the judicial. Gary Bauer makes a fascinating remark as to what the new three branches of government are today.

Does the Bible Teach Socialism?

by Dr. D. James Kennedy
The concept of private property supported in Scripture collides with the fundamental basis of socialism.

"Centuries of Marriage"

by Jerry Newcombe, D.Min.
A good marriage is a gift from God. But marriage has fallen on hard times in our culture. Even TIME magazine had a cover story explaining how and why it's good to stay married

10 Reasons State-Sanctioned Atheism Is Out of Step with Our American Traditions

by Jerry Newcombe, D.Min.
Atheism is on the rise these days. It's a free country---thanks to Christianity. But state-sanctioned atheism is out of step with the Judeo-Christian source of our nation's liberty---including the liberty to be an atheist

Europe’s Only Hope is Christian Revival

by Jerry Newcombe, D. Min.
The emerging trend in Europe shows that when a nation rejects one worldview, another will rise and prevail in its place.

"The Other Side of the Vietnam Story"

by Jerry Newcombe, D.Min.
Americans owe a debt of gratitude to all our service men and women, who work so hard to keep us free. Unfortunately, those who served their country in Vietnam were often reviled, but this piece includes a Vietnamese man's thanks for our attempts to free his land.

Fracturing God’s Image: Denial Leads to Multiple Distortions

Karen VanTil Gushta, Ph.D.
As believers, we must continue to speak the truth in love and be unrelenting in our proclamation that every human life is precious in God's sight and bears His image.

The Lost Art of Bible Meditation: A Paean to My Friend Charlie

by Jerry Newcombe, D.Min.
In our highly distracted age, it's easy to miss out on the great discipline of meditating on God's Word and being transformed through the renewal of our mind. But it's worth recovering this lost art---just like my friend Charlie Hainline did