Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom

A Nation in Need of True Revival

by Jerry Newcombe, D. Min.
Reflecting on America’s history of revival can help us understand how our nation can, once again, return to God.

Hillary Clinton, Saul Alinsky, Ben Carson, and Lucifer

by Jerry Newcombe, D. Min.
Dr. Ben Carson said about Hillary that she admires a man who "acknowledges" Lucifer. He was excoriated in the press for this---but unjustly so.

"The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed"

Karen VanTil Gushta, Ph.D.
Is there a biblical case to be made for "the right of the people to keep and bear arms"? Christians are divided on this question, but it has implications for our religious freedom.

Mike Pence in His Own Words

by Jerry Newcombe, D.Min.
Several years ago I had the privilege of interviewing Gov. Mike Pence, who has now been picked by Donald Trump as his Vice President. The interview was for Dr. Kennedy's television ministry and dealt with some issues of importance to Christians and conservatives.

The Need for Repentance

by Dr. D. James Kennedy
Repentance is the first step to a spiritual awakening for America and begins with you and me.

Jesus Is the Answer for Our Racial Divide

by Jerry Newcombe, D.Min.
America has recently seen some terrible race-related violence. What is the solution? I believe that the ultimate answer for racism and all of our -isms is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which can transform the human heart, like nothing else.

The Coming Battle Over the Supreme Court

by Jerry Newcombe, D.Min.
During this heated political election, we should recognize that one of the most critical of all the issues are: Who will serve on our courts---especially the Supreme Court?

Good Without God? Not in the Long Run

by Jerry Newcombe, D.Min.
Can we be good without God? Short answer: No, not in the long run. Knowing we will have to an account for our lives one day impacts how we live.

The Founders Did Not Want to Banish God From the Public Arena

by Jerry Newcombe, D. Min.
Even though many claim that our Founders intended to create a society free from religion, historical fact suggests otherwise.

Preaching the Gospel of Life

Karen VanTil Gushta, Ph.D.
If we have a passion for missions, we must stop seeing abortion as a secondary issue. It is the primary mark of this generation and the blood-guilt of abortion festers under the surface of all Christian endeavor. It needs to be called out by name, confessed by name, and brought under the power of the Gospel.