Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
March 24 Now as they were eating, He said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, one of you will betray Me.’ — Matthew 26:21

Christ Betrayed

When you think of Judas Iscariot, what words come first to your mind? Perhaps “traitor”? “greedy”? “evil one”? Judas has never been one of the more popular disciples. In the Middle Ages, people considered Judas more of a villain than we do today. We can probably attribute the medieval attitude to the way Dante portrayed Judas in his Inferno , a great classic that takes us on a tour of hell. In the deepest... More
March 23 …Say to the cities of Judah, ‘Behold your God!’ — Isaiah 40:9

Behold Your God

In one of his sonnets, Shelley tells of a traveler from Egypt who, in a trek across a desert wasteland came upon the remains of a marble statue. All that remained on the pedestal were two feet and the lower part of two gigantic legs. Nearby, lying in the sand, was the cracked remnant of what had been the head. The face had a cruel sneer on its lips. When the traveler rubbed the sand away from the pedestal, he found this inscription:... More
March 22 ‘But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.’ — Matthew 6:33

The Purpose For Living

What’s the purpose of life? That question was once asked in a high-school English class of some twenty students, and not one single person came up with an answer that made sense. Do you know the purpose of your life? One time a young man who had just graduated from Oxford University approached a friend of the family, Prime Minister Gladstone, and asked if Gladstone would listen to the plan he had mapped out for his life. Gladstone... More
March 21 Then he released Barabbas to them; and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered Him to be crucified. — Matthew 27:26

Suffered Under Pontius Pilate

Do you know what the key to Jesus’ life was? He suffered. Biblical literature underscores the importance of Christ’s suffering. Paul, in his epistles, virtually ignores the ministry of Christ but reminds us of what He suffered. In the Gospels, one-third of Matthew, Mark, and Luke deal with Christ’s sufferings and death. One-half of John’s Gospel deals with the last week of Jesus’ life. The Apostles’... More
March 20 ‘Lord, I believe…’ — Mark 9:24

The Apostles' Creed Today

“No creed but Christ” is what some people claim to believe today, and that may sound good. But they forget that “creed” simply means a statement of faith and that, therefore, developing one can be valuable in helping us define what we believe. One of the oldest and finest statements of faith is the Apostles’ Creed. Its roots go back to the early Church. Though not written by the apostles themselves, it carries... More
March 19 ‘…“Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,” says the Lord of hosts.’ — Zechariah 4:6

True Strength

Some people have made the gym their second home. These people go to fanatical lengths to get their bodies in shape. I’m not devaluing caring for our bodies; in fact, I get my share of exercise. But some people make an idol of physical strength, cultivating beautiful bodies to glorify themselves. But which one of these persons do you think is better equipped to help others: a person who works out with weights all day, developing huge... More
March 18 ‘…and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’ — Matthew 28:20

Practicing The Presence Of God

Do you know that God is with you right now as you read these words? Do you experience His presence in everything you do? In seventeenth-century France, a humble monk named Brother Lawrence wrote magnificent letters to a friend, letters now compiled in a little booklet entitled Practicing the Presence of God . Brother Lawrence had learned to practice God’s presence in everything he did. He found perfect peace and tranquillity in... More