Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
M A Y 8 “And the Lord said to Moses, ‘Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward.’” — Exodus 14:15


Have you ever encountered an obstacle so huge, you just didn’t know if you could get around it? Perhaps you are facing one today . . . If you need a testimony of victory against tremendous obstacles, read the book of Exodus. The tenth plague had come upon Egypt, striking the firstborn of all the houses of Egypt. Meanwhile, the Israelites sat terrified in their homes amid the shrieks, wails, moans, and cries of the mourning Egyptians... More
M A Y 7 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” — John 15:5

Growing In Grace

When you were a child, did you look forward to growing up? Perhaps your mother or father marked your physical growth on a wall, charting your progress toward adulthood. Just as we anticipated physical growth when we were children, we need to pursue  spiritual growth daily. Repeatedly the Scriptures speak of spiritual growth. A psalmist declares that when we meditate on God’s Word, we become “like a tree planted by the... More
M A Y 6

What Is He To You?

Whoever you are, you cannot avoid Jesus Christ, either in this life or the next. He is the Lord of lords and the King of kings. He is the One “with whom we have to do.” I once heard about a secular talk-show host who flippantly remarked, “Jesus means absolutely nothing to my life.” How wrong she is, for one day, like all of us, she will stand before Him in judgment. The Bible teaches us that we can experience Jesus... More
M A Y 5 “... learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart . . .” — Matthew 11:29

Jesus Christ Our Lord

The four Gospels present four rather different pictures of Christ from different perspectives, from different backgrounds, and through different events. As we read those Gospels, a character rises up from the pages, a character unique and altogether lovely. We begin to see a face and hear a voice, a voice that speaks with a music and a poetry never heard before. His message? “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will... More
M A Y 4 “I and My Father are one.” — John 10:30

The Claims Of Christ

Have you ever really thought about some of the things Jesus Christ said about Himself? Have you ever pondered the fact that Jesus Christ made claims that today would put someone in a lockup? Jesus said He was the “light of the world.” Talk about delusions of grandeur. (But only if the claim weren’t true.) Jesus also claimed an eternal origin—He said, “Before Abraham was, I AM.” His hearers, the Jewish... More
M A Y 3 “. . . O Lord, revive Your work in the midst of the years!” — Habakkuk 3:2

Send A Great Revival

Today we’ll take our last look at revival. Particularly, we’ll look at some great revivals of the past. Perhaps the most notable revival of the twentieth century happened in 1904 and 1905 in the tiny land of Wales. This revival started with a few people fervently praying. The prayers of these people had powerful results. Churches that had been one-fourth full of apathetic Christians began to come alive. The Spirit of God fell on... More
M A Y 2 “. . . then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” — 2 Chronicles 7:14

National Revival

Yesterday we discussed our need for national revival. Today and tomorrow I want to continue with this theme. Revival is a rebirth, a restoration of God’s power, and I believe that it can happen in America. God can yet change this land. He can stay the hand of chastisement acted out in our mean city streets and spreading into the countryside. But to have revival, we must pay a price. God says, “If My people who are called by My... More