Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
J U N E 2 7 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son …” — John 3:16

William Carey

How big is your God? Is He bound by the limitations of what you can see, hear, and think? Or do you have a God who can do anything at any time? Today, let’s consider a great man who believed in a great God—William Carey, the father of modern missions. Carey lived by the motto “Attempt great things for God. Expect great things from God.” For centuries, worldwide missions had come to a virtual standstill. But William... More
J U N E 2 6 “… unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” — John 3:3

George Whitefield

Do you ever think about our nation and wonder whether God will renew a land that has sunk to the moral depths that ours has? Is there any hope for the society in which we live? Perhaps we can take a cue from another time, another society. The period in which we live is not unlike that of the opening half of the eighteenth century, especially in England. At that time, adultery, fornication, gambling, drunkenness, and the breaking of the... More
J U N E 2 5 “Be strong and of good courage …”

“What Is Your Name?”

I admire people who display great courage. One man in history known for his courage was Alexander the Great. One day, Alexander held court in Nebuchadnezzar’s great palace in Babylon. He sat upon the great golden throne, pronouncing sentences for the crimes charged to his soldiers. The sergeant-at-arms brought in one soldier after another and read their crimes. No one could deliver them from Alexander’s severe judgments.... More
J U N E 2 4 “Where there is no vision, the people perish …”

Where There Is No Vision

Do you have a great vision for your life? Do you have a purpose in mind, a purpose in heart that comes from a vision that inflames your heart with a blue-white flame? Or do you simply live your life because every morning you wake up again and there you are, having to endure just one more miserable day? I believe we need to have vision for our lives, dreams to reach for, goals to accomplish. As we develop vision, we discover purpose for our... More
J U N E 2 3 “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” — Psalm 91:1

The Shadow Of The Almighty

What is your greatest fear, the one thing above all others that makes your eyes widen and your heart race? Some fear death the most. Others fear public speaking even more than death. And still others fear dental exams. Newspaper counselor Ann Landers reports receiving about ten thousand letters each month from people with all kinds of issues that can be reduced to one common problem: fear. When our faith in Christ disappears, fear takes its... More
J U N E 2 2 “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” — Philippians 1:21

To Live Is Christ

If someone asked you what you live for, how would you respond? Some people seem to live for their next vacation. Others live for their retirement. Still others live for the weekend. But Paul expresses the best way to live. He declares that to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Too often, people want to rewrite the verse, replacing “Christ” with “pleasure.” “For to me, to live is pleasure,” cry a whole... More
J U N E 2 1 “… learn from Me …” — Matthew 11:29

Mary Slessor Of Calabar

Would you like to know a great spiritual secret? You can find it in three of Jesus’ words: “Learn from Me.” When we learn from Him, He will change us from the inside out. Let’s consider the example of a great heroine of the faith who submitted to and learned from her Savior. Mary Slessor, originally from Scotland, is considered one of the first female missionaries. According to her own testimony, she had lived as a... More