Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom

To Tell the Truth

There is evidence of widespread deceit and corruption within the very organizations put in place to uphold the law and maintain justice in our own government. These so-called guardians of our national security and well-being are working behind closed doors to undermine the current administration and use their power to grind political axes. Who are these organizations? None other than the FBI and the Justice Department.

What has happened to moral compass of these law enforcement agencies? In short, our nation has turned her back on God and His law. When generations of schoolchildren grow up being taught that truth is relative, it’s not surprising when those children grow up and abuse power and privilege.

Dr. D. James Kennedy spoke often about the straight stick of truth defined by God’s commandments, as he does in this resounding message for our troubling times, “To Tell the Truth.” 

A Nation Worth Fighting For
Our liberties are more threatened today than at any other time in our nation’s history. Not from Russian collusion or North Korean missiles, but rather from the very organizations put in place to protect and defend our freedoms. Who are these hostile entities? None other than the FBI and the United States Department of Justice.