Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom

The Root of the Problem

As we look around us, we see a world that appears out of control. From school shootings to the insanity of pretending that men are women and women are men, we are becoming a society untethered from objective reality. But what if there was one common thread that makes sense of all of it?

As Dr. D. James Kennedy is about to explain, there is. He shares more, and gets down to the source of this madness, in his vital message, “The Root of the Problem.”

Open Letter - Stop Gender Tragedy
To help take a stand to protect the next generation, request your open letter to President Trump and to your governor imploring them to stand against this tragic gender confusion in our nation’s schools.
The Great Confusion
Do you know how to respond to someone who is sexually broken—suffering from “gender identity” confusion? These are some of the questions Dr. Frank Wright tackles in his timely booklet, The Great Confusion. Writing with compassion and Biblical understanding,