Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom

The Root of the Problem

Your life is affected every day by men who lived long ago. In some cases, their ideas have led to tremendous misery—and yet most people aren’t even aware how they’ve been influenced.

On today’s program, we’ll investigate the ideas of Charles Darwin, who’s theory of naturalistic evolution was called by Dr. D. James Kennedy “the root of the problem.” You’ll see how Darwin’s influence shows up every day on the news, including in the tragic spate of school shootings we’ve seen in recent years. 

7 Men Who Rule the World from the Grave
Author, lecturer, and evangelist Dave Breese shows why Christians need to understand the ideas of Darwin, Marx, Wellhausen, Dewey, Freud, Keynes, and Kierkegaard for they have impacted not just America but the world.