Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom

The Cost of Freedom

There are some ideas which catch on and affect the entire world. The Gospel is the most powerful of those ideas, which has shaped and transformed the entire world for 2000 years. But there are some false ideas—counterfeit gospels—that have also had an outsized impact, to the detriment of millions.

This month on our program, we’ll be examining some of those ideas and exposing them to the light of truth. Today, we begin with Karl Marx, whose atheistic socialism has resulted in tens of millions of deaths, and grinding poverty in a multitude of countries. 

7 Men Who Rule the World from the Grave
Author, lecturer, and evangelist Dave Breese shows why Christians need to understand the ideas of Darwin, Marx, Wellhausen, Dewey, Freud, Keynes, and Kierkegaard for they have impacted not just America but the world.