Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom

Luther’s Quest for God

Scripture: Romans 1:8-17

We have been looking at the impact of the Protestant Reformation this month as we celebrate its 500th anniversary. Dr. Kennedy shares how Martin Luther's quest for God resulted in the rediscovery of grace and the reliance on the authority of scripture. Luther's translation of the Bible gave the common person access to the Scriptures, really for the first time.

As a result of Luther’s Reformation and the newly-invented printing press, the Gospel was spread around the world and God’s free gift could be accepted by millions. God’s word is paramount to the Christian faith. It has helped build the world we live in, and it continues to transform lives and cultures daily. 

What If the Bible Had Never Been Written?
With a wealth of references and source notes as well as a thorough index, this book is an excellent resource for anyone who is wants to gain a better understanding of the importance and impact of the Bible on every area of life and society.