Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
N O V E M B E R 1 4 “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” — Jeremiah 33:3

Attempt Great Things For God

God is a great and wondrous God who delights in great and marvelous things. He wants to do great and mighty things through you and through me. However, many of us never quite grasp God’s glory and greatness; thus, we miss spiritual growth and tremendous adventures.

Do you know that God can and wants to do great things, using you as His instrument?

God tells us to attempt great things for Him by faith. And only through faith can we accomplish what He calls us to do—not in our own strength, not by our own power, but by God’s might. Most of the great accomplishments of this world are done by faith. The great missionary William Carey initiated the modern world missionary movement by faith. His motto? “Attempt great things for God. Expect great things from God.” We need to trust God if we’re to make any difference in the world for His kingdom.

Even though God will give us all we need to accomplish His goals, He won’t necessarily make our missions easy. We’ll have to make sacrifices if we’re to achieve great things for God’s sake. Reflect on what the Pilgrims did in the settling of this great nation. Nearly half of them lost their lives during their first winter in this land.

And as we pursue great accomplishments for Christ’s kingdom, we must keep in mind our motives. Everything we undertake, big or small, we must do for God’s glory and not for our own. Whether we do something for our glory or for Christ’s ultimately determines the value of anything that we do. Generally, the great doers of history have been great because they kept their sights on God. They trusted in Him rather than in themselves. They realized their own limitations, but understood that “with God, all things are possible.”

Are you ready to do great things for God? Then trust Him to come through for you, even as you make the sacrifices, and give the glory to Him for the results.

"“We can never have too big a conception of God.”"
J.B. Phillips