Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
November 3 ‘Who then is a faithful and wise servant…?’ — Matthew 24:45

Faithful Servant

How do we serve God? We serve God by serving each other. Jesus said that what we do for our fellow humans, we do for Him. He encourages us to visit the sick, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and house the homeless. He asks us to be hospitable and generous and to proclaim the gospel.

Have you faithfully served the Lord by serving those around you?

To learn more about serving God, consider one of God’s servants—Billy Graham. God has used Billy Graham so mightily in our time. Why? Because Graham is the most brilliant theologian of our day? Probably not. Because he is the best speaker in America? Probably not. What is it about him, then? God uses Billy Graham because Billy Graham is the kind of person God can trust to do His work!

Can God trust us? If He entrusts us with a task, will we do it? When God puts people in our way who need Him, do we minister to them faithfully?

In all areas of our lives, God wants us to be faithful. He wants us to faithfully serve our spouses, our children, and our parents. God wants us to be faithful to our Church and to the ministry He has given us to do. The Lord may ask us to accomplish a task of private or public nature, to one person or to many. But whatever we do for Him, let us do it steadfastly. Jesus said of the faithful servant in the parable of the two servants: “Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find [him working faithfully]” (Matthew 24:46). Ask God to show you how you can serve Him faithfully today.

"The task Thy wisdom hath assigned, O let me cheerfully fulfill; In all my works Thy presence find, And prove Thy good and perfect will."