Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom

Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?

We live in an era in which truth claims are viewed with suspicion. It’s considered wrong, or at least extremely impolite, to say that one thing is better than another, or that one thing is true and another thing false. And yet at the center of history stands an event that changes everything.

What if Jesus Christ truly arose from the dead and walked out of the tomb in Jerusalem nearly 2000 years ago, as the Bible claims? It makes Him the Lord of life and the king who stands above all earthly kings. So how do we know it’s true? And what does it matter for the world we live in?

On this program, we’ll look at those questions, and we’ll share some powerful resources on Christ’s resurrection and what happens to us when we die. And we interview a journalist who doubted the resurrection of Christ and set out to disprove it—only to discover that he could not. 

TIA Q&A Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? / One Minute After You Die
The truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the Christian faith.  As we read in Scripture, “And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain” (I Corinthians 15:14).