Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom

The New Tolerance

Have you ever tried to explain a something to a person who knows nothing about it? This usually happens with small children who have endless questions and are struggling to understand exactly what you’re telling them. In those instances, one of the best methods to use is to offer clear descriptions of what you’re trying to tell them.

But today it seems that we no longer live in a time where words have universally agreed-upon meanings and in some cases, these changing meanings are disingenuous, purposely twisted to further an agenda. How do we communicate truth in such an atmosphere?

Young people today are being indoctrinated with the notion that there are no absolutes, everything is relative and what’s right for you isn’t necessarily right for me. Dr. Kennedy speaks to this dilemma with his message, “The New Tolerance.”

Confronting Lies & Hate / Profit$ of Hate

As Christians today, we are often accused of being “haters” because we hold to Biblical views of marriage and sexuality. The Left has weaponized the word “hate,” using it to shut down debate and opposition. Christians sometimes have compromised their beliefs in order to deflect such criticism. But as author Robert Knight points out, that never works. It just invites more attacks.
So how do we respond?