Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom

Modern Myths: Suicide is a Viable Option

Scripture: Proverbs 8:32-36
Imagine being given a gift of incalculable value.  But it is not just valuable to you alone.  This gift is also highly valued by others who know you well.  At some point you find yourself in circumstances that are so difficult as to be seemingly overwhelming.  And amid the confusion, and stress, and anxiety of your situation, you unaccountably throw this most precious gift away, persuaded that this is the best option available to you.  This is a very weak metaphor for suicide, wherein those who are given the gift of life, reach a place of despair so deep that they throw the gift of life away.  In reality suicide is the casting away of a gift given by God Himself. Dr. Kennedy elaborates in this message: Modern Myths: Suicide Is A Viable Option.