Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
September 23 O My Father, if this cup cannot pass away from Me unless I drink it, Your will be done. — Matthew 26:42

Thy Will Be Done

In his agonized prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, we see the total submission of Christ to the Father. We see a struggle between life and death, a cosmic struggle with millions of souls in the balance. The victory was in submission.

This short little prayer, "Your will be done" has been called "the prayer that never fails." God always honors and answers this prayer. Throughout our life, we need to pray it many times as we again and again give control of our lives to God.

We need to pray, "Lord, use me today for Your great purposes and for Your glory." When we do this, we will be amazed at the opportunities we have to do good. We will meet people in need. We will meet people who are lost—people with whom we can share the Good News. There are always all kinds of opportunities to serve His plan.

This prayer demonstrates the difference between a Christian prayer and a pagan prayer (or incantation). When a pagan prays, he tries to harness the spiritual powers of the universe to do his bidding and proclaims, "As I will so it must be." In other words, "My will be done." Contrast that with the Christian prayer: "Thy will be done."


Question to ponder: Is there any area of your life where you need to pray this prayer—"Your will be done"?