Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom

Sexual Anarchy Puts Religious Liberty at Risk

by Jerry Newcombe, D. Min.

This country has managed to put a man on the moon. Now we’re working to put a man in the woman’s room. This is an amazing turn of events.

Perhaps even more amazing is the use of force, usually through the courts, to try to ram through an agenda that most Americans don’t want.

The president issued an edict on May 13 of this year that would force schools of all kinds, including Christian ones, to accommodate those students (or staff) who felt like a girl that day to use the ladies’ room, even if biologically they were men.

Those brave individuals or groups or even states, such as North Carolina, that are trying to fight back, find this reprehensible. Tami Fitzgerald, director of the North Carolina Values Coalition, said, “The people of North Carolina are absolutely livid that the Obama administration would attempt to violate and compromise the privacy and safety of all our children when they’re at school.”

In America, you should be free to disagree. But under this new form of tyranny, the left is saying in effect, “Do it our way or we’ll see you in court.”

In this new America, the left is on its way to creating a climate where you have freedom—as long as you abide by the prevailing politically correct ethos. Many Christians and people of good will who want to do the right thing find themselves facing a stiff headwind stirred by Hollywood, corporate America, and many politicians. We can see this in the hysteria that was directed against North Carolina for daring to pass a common sense law saying you should use the bathroom of your biological sex as stated on your birth certificate.

But many elites in our culture today believe that sexual freedom overrules everything else, even religious liberty. So in a nation founded essentially by Christians for religious freedom, Christians are finding that we are losing our religious freedom because of sexual anarchy.

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), states: “A new concept—that ‘sexual liberty’ trumps religious freedom—has begun to impact churches, ministries, and individual Christians across this nation.”

Those purveying the new agenda of sexual confusion have cast those opposing it as “intolerant” or even unchristian.

Dr. Michael Brown responds to this charge by saying: “Jesus called us to be as wise as snakes and as harmless as doves, and one of the virtues of wisdom is that it responds to danger before it arrives. Being forewarned is being fore-equipped, and for us today, we must take preventative measures to stop LGBT activism from stealing our God-given, sacred freedoms . . . . We can love people and reach out to them, however they identify, while standing for biblical principles and morality at the same time.”

Tragically, many Christians today, especially those working in the wedding industry, are finding that they don’t have the freedom to avoid being forced to celebrate something they believe is wrong. The left is saying in effect, “Celebrate what your conscience won’t permit or we’ll bring the full force of the law against you.”

Gary Bauer, who served in the Reagan administration and is president of American Values, observes, “How many of these folks feel like they went to bed one night in America, but when they woke up the next morning, they were in Russia? It’s certainly the kind of thing you would expect there, not in a country built on the idea of liberty under God.”

God wants us to be faithful through it all, even if it is unpopular in today’s politically correct milieu.