Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom
Standing for Truth and Defending Your Freedom

Liar, Lunatic or LORD?

Scripture: Matthew 19:13-24

Some people are willing to accept a great many things as true without giving the matter any serious study or personal investigation. Surprisingly, this also is true for many as it relates to historical events—even though historical evidence can be sometimes sparse. This is not the case as it relates to the first advent of Jesus Christ. But if His stepping into human history is irrefutable, what about the question: Who is this Jesus?

While many will affirm the historicity of the Bible, they will often deny its essential teaching about the Person of Jesus Christ. And of course, who He is defines His earthly ministry—especially at the cross of Calvary. One noted scholar argued forcefully that we only have three reasonable options to consider when it come to the Person of Jesus Christ. And this is the title of Dr. Kennedy’s message: “Liar, Lunatic, or Lord?.”